Shield Heart Beating in Taiwan 

背景說明 Background 💁

為了建立台灣高品質心跳停止病人之醫療照護、預後評估與追蹤,改善復甦品質與照護流程,以增進病人健康與回歸家庭、社會的能力,台灣復甦照護學會構築多中心之心跳停止臨床研究平台,進行TIMECARD Formosa Registry,與國際研究計畫接軌,歡迎致力於心跳停止病人照護與研究的醫療團隊一起加入!

    To establish high quality post-arrest care, prognostication and follow up of cardiac arrest survivors as well as to improve protocols

    of post-arrest care, TSORCC has constituted the TIMECARD Formosa Registry as a multi-center platform for clinical research of

    cardiac arrest survivors in Taiwan.   

登錄醫院招募流程  💁

Participation Process


有興趣的團隊請於本學會網站下載參加TIMECARD Formosa Registry申請表格,填妥並寄至,會有專人與團隊聯繫並說明相關內容與規範。

If you are interested in the TIMECARD Formosa Registry, please contact 

參加 TIMECARD Formosa Registry 申請表格下載

參加TIMECARD Formosa Registry申請表格.pdf